بالي جينا للسياحة

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Traditional Balinise Wedding
Wedding in Bali
وصف الخدمة
- Now, its time to give you the information about Balinese Wedding Traditions. - In Bali, they use the Hindu Marriage ceremony, because their religion is mainly Hinduism. - - - Hinduism in Bali has its marriage ceremonies, of course they do not ignore the customs that already exist in society. Because Hindus is base on the Book of Vedas. - Also, it based on Śmrti and Hindu law based on customs that have been passed down through generations in a place called the Acara. - Because of performing a ceremony based on the Vedic scriptures and following the customary ordinances that have been passed down from generation to generation, they belief that they will gain happiness in this world (jagaditha) and everlasting happiness (Moksa). - However, in Balinese wedding customs, the entire cost of the procession is paid by the groom. In the process, there are several stages that must be pass. - Before being ratified as a married couple in customary ties. - The whole stage is usually done at the groom’s house. Then the bride is delivered to return to her parents’ house. She needs to ask their permission to be allowed to live with her husband. - This Celebrations will take more than 8 hours Include: 1. Medewasa Ayu,Celebrations 2. Ngekeb, Celebrations 3. Special Balinise Food " Roasted Whole Sucking Pig 4, Special Balinise Food White Lawar or Red Lawar 5. Special Food is call ' Jukut Ares 6. Mungkah Lawang,Celebrations 7. Mesegeheagung,Celebrations 8. Madengen-dengen, Celebrations 9. Mewidhi Widana,Celebration 10. Mejauman Ngabe Tipat Bantal,Celebration 11. Special Traditional Dance is call " JOGED BUNGBUNG' 12. Alcohol as you want 13. Private DJ Email For Price : Jinahayu24@gmail.com Phone: +61414083700
سياسة الإلغاء
1/2 Refund for tours cancelled less than 24 hours from tour start time. Full Refund or fee free rescheduling for tours more than 24 hours from tour start time
تفاصيل جهة الاتصال
Bali, Denpasar Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai, Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia